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Sassy and Fierce, Strong and Unique...



"Magnolia Knife was sultry, seductive and all things sexy..." (Factory Diaries)


Magnolia Knife is a femme fatale flaunting a derriere built to bump and grind! With a passion for beauty in the bizarre, Miss Knife enchants audiences with her repertoire of Neo-Burlesque routines and classic acts influenced by her diverse life experiences and imagination while drawing on her theatre and singing background. She is a master of disguise and character and will make you laugh, cry or beg for more, depending on the mood...


Magnolia is based in Brisbane and currently teaches at Miss BB le Buff's School of Performance, Brisbane’s longest running burlesque (and more!) school. She teaches a repertoire of Neo-Burlesque, Beginner Burlesque, Feather-Fan classes and more! Click on the link above to view Miss BB le Buff's School of Performance timetable.


Part of two burlesque duos with some of Brisbane's finest burlesque dancers, Miss Knife shares the stage with BB le Buff in their duo 'The Fanny Bam Bams', as well as Tina Joy in their duo 'Sisters Grimmm'. 


Magnolia is a regular performer at BB le Buff’s ‘Cabbaret’, and has performed at many other prestigious local and intestate events including Miss Burlesque Australia (QLD), Illustrated Ingenue (Brisbane), Bay Cabaret (NSW), and the Big Tease (Melbourne) as part of the Australian Burlesque Festival with her duo, 'The Fanny Bam Bams'.


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